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A Blade of Grass and a Whisper

Hi Everyone,

We all go through different stages of life, and no matter how bumpy or smooth those stages are, they never last. Our lives also have a pattern, and like nature, we are always changing, being challenged, overcoming challenges, and growing. It is rather extraordinary how those changes can be so small one day, then we take a breath, and realize how much has changed. It's funny how, as in nature, we are happy to see some seasons end and others begin.

Today, I welcome the season of change as Spring. For many of you, it may be a bit early yet, but you can't push a river, and nature has a way of happening no matter what. I find the consistency of nature comforting, and with the season of spring, there is hope. I have heard it said that hope is not a strategy, but I believe it is because if there is a Spring, there must also be hope. I wonder what a blade of grass thinks as it peaks above the snow line. In my head, it is "woo hoo, Spring is here!" I've heard it said that for every blade of grass, there is an angel above it whispering, "grow, grow." That, my friends, is hope.

Happy Spring, I'm sending you good vibes,


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