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A Grateful Heart

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are doing well and enjoying the official last month of summer. If you will indulge me, I'd like to share a journey I have been on for about eight years. The decision to go back to school to become a counselor and dedicate my life to Spirit (God) through mediumship happened simultaneously for me. I can see that both have been consistent throughout my life. When the journey began, I was just working on getting through school and mediumship training. At the beginning of my mediumship training, I searched for a teacher and found Andy Byng. Initially, it wasn't his mediumship that attracted me to his teaching (although always fabulous). It was his spiritual philosophy. Later, we discussed the nudging and calling in my soul to serve as a minister. Without that conversation, I don’t know if I would have made the decision, even though it was always there. At age 18, I knew that God was calling me to serve. It was a different time, faith, and belief, and any ministerial training would not be an option for women. I’m incredibly glad that things have changed. When you are looking for a teacher, whether that is mediumship or philosophy, I hope you will be as blessed as I am. It's not very often we get to make a public statement on people who have impacted our lives in the best way possible. A special thank you to Andy Byng, John Johnson, Donna Barker, and Janet Nohavec. Through this journey, I found a faith that encompasses what I believe about God and embraces what you may believe. To me, that means everyone is included. I pray that I will always be on a journey of deeper understanding professionally, personally, and spiritually.

We were never meant to do life and serve alone. We are always guided by both our earthly teachers and mentors, as well as our spiritual ones. I am taking a moment to extend gratitude to my friends, family, and mentors, who have always been such encouragement, support, and love. Thank you to the Journey Within Spiritual Church and my fellow ministers in training for this incredible “Journey Within.”

On Sunday, August 11th, at 1:00 EST, I will be ordained through the Journey Within Spiritualist Church along with my classmates and ministers in training. It has been a very rewarding and challenging two and a half years. I would love for you to join us.

passcode:  166277

P.S. It is never too late to answer the call

Sending good vibes and lots of love,


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